Free State of Jones - We are all children of God

Free State of Jones - We are all children of God

Back in 1991, I spent one week in Charleston, SC, on loan from my community in Alexandria, VA, to help out in the Pauline Book & Media Center there while other Sisters were away on vacation. Having always been a history buff, I took the opportunity to visit Fort Sumter on the weekend.  The narrative provided during the boat trip  mentioned the 1989 film, Glory, the story of which took place on nearby Morris Island. That night, I rented Glory and loved the film so much that it launc...
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Me Before You

Me Before You

Louisa, caretaker and companion to the the embittered and sarcastic Will (a young quadriplegic), eventually gets under his skin with her perpetually cheery, optimistic and endearing demeanor, coupled with her highly original fashion choices. The dialogue and gentle sparring is genuinely witty and charming. The plot machinations are funny. At one point, while the "superior" Will is trying to school Lou about life, Lou comes back at him with a knowing description of how the type of upwardly mobile...
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X-Men: Apocalypse - Appealing to our Better Nature

X-Men: Apocalypse - Appealing to our Better Nature

The latest film in the popular X-Men franchise falls short of its immediate predecessor, "Days of Future Past," but fans still get the satisfaction of seeing the younger versions of their favorite characters. This time around, the graduates and students of Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters band together to stave off world domination in "X-Men: Apocalypse."
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Last Days in the Desert - The Human Face of God

Last Days in the Desert - The Human Face of God

Writer-director Rodrigo Garcia imagines one possible scenario that might have happened to Jesus as he wandered at the tail end of his 40 days of fasting and praying. And wander he does, and then more wandering, and even more wandering. The landscape is bare, rocky, dusty, hot, and seemingly endless, not a nice place to get stuck in. It is here that Yeshua (Ewan McGregor) kneels in the dirt and mutters, “Father, where are you?” We see a broken Jesus. His ratty robes and grungy face do little to...
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Money Monster - Demanding Answers

Money Monster - Demanding Answers

There’s a parable in the Gospel about a man who owed a lot. Not being able to pay, he begged for mercy and it was granted him. Then he turned around a neglected to show mercy to someone who owed him just a fraction of what he had owed. Wrong way to go about things, don’t you think? When it comes to moral and ethical living, we Christians acknowledge there is a right way to do things and a wrong way. Kyle Budwell (Jack O’Connell) had a just demand but he went about getting his answer the wrong...
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Captain America: Civil War - Consequences

Captain America: Civil War - Consequences

The great anticipation that’s been building up since the last Avengers film is finally over. "Captain America: Civil War" bounded into the theaters this past weekend with all the superheroes one could possibly want (with the exception of Thor and Hulk). Oh, well. I suppose we can’t have everything. Although billed as a Captain America film, it might as well have been “Avengers 3.”
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The Dark Horse - From Brokenness to Compaasion

The Dark Horse - From Brokenness to Compaasion

"The Dark Horse," the true story of New Zealand speed chess champion, Genesis Potini (Cliff Curtis), radiates compassion and mercy. Potini suffers with bipolar disorder. The opening scene sets the tone for the whole film. Gen, as he is called, wanders the rain-soaked streets wrapped in a patchwork quilt. He’s drawn to a pawn shop by the chess set in the window. The people in the shop show him compassion as he’s obviously mentally disturbed but they don’t quite know what to do with him.
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