Birth of a Nation - Deserving of Conversation

Birth of a Nation - Deserving of Conversation

"Birth of a Nation" is the dramatic story of Nat Turner, a slave who led a rebellion in Southampton County, Va., in 1831. The film is not a remake of the controversial 1915 silent film by D.W. Griffith, but reusing the same title is a powerful reminder of the role the institution of the slave trade and slavery played in the founding of the United States.
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"Sully" renews faith in humanity

"Sully" renews faith in humanity

The story of US Airways flight 1549, landed by Captain Sullenberger on the Hudson River in 2009 seems straightforward, and it is. Director Clint Eastwood has intuited that the power of the story of a man's character over that of an airplane crash might make a better movie, and for my money, it does. But put them together and you get a hero's story of epic proportions.
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