Travels from Charleston, SC

Sister Jennifer Tecla Hyatt, FSP, is a member of the Daughters of St Paul, a religious community dedicated to evangelization with the media. She has a BA in Theology and is a Master Catechist in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Jennifer is currently an associate of the Pauline Center for Media Studies stationed in Charleston,SC. Over the past three years, Sister has facilitated various film and Scripture activities for both children and adults, as well as given presentations on media literacy and integrating culture, faith and media.

Sr. Jennifer Tecla Hyatt is a proud member of the elite Catholic Speakers Organization,


“Sr. Jennifer has the marvelous ability to take a secular movie and have it come alive as a vehicle to open up dialogue among the community to have a very spiritual and fruitful journey through the Advent and Lenten seasons.” – Terri Palmer, Director of Faith Formation, St Augustine, Culver City, CA

“I particularly enjoyed the range of learning styles that Sr. Jennifer included in her workshop. Her program had something for everyone -- hands on activity, visual material, theological content and discussion opportunities.” – Lisa Wellik, RCIA instructor, St Paul the Apostle Church, Westwood, CA 


FOUR WAYS TO NAVIGATE TODAY’S MEDIA WORLD (for children 10+, youth, young adults, parents, and catechists) 

Today’s culture requires that people be able to “read” and “write” messages using symbols in a variety of forms. Each genre and medium of expression and communication demands certain learned competencies. This presentation offers the media literacy tools and skills needed to be able to “read” and “write” the media messages that surround us, from advertisements, to films, and more.  

MEDIA ARE GIFTS OF GOD (for children 10+, youth, young adults, parents, and catechists) 

Media are everywhere. They are part of our entertainment, leisure, work, and study. The Church has and continues to say that media are gifts from God. This workshop educates the audience so that they learn to ask questions when using these gifts, making choices with the lens of their faith.

FINDING GOD IN POP CULTURE (for children 10+, youth, young adults, parents, and catechists)

Pop culture reflects who we are and who we are becoming as a society. This workshop empowers the audience to realize that it is through awareness that we can recognize which aspects of pop culture support human & Gospel values so as to learn to make healthy media choices. 

T.H.I.N.K. HOW TO NAVIGATE OUR MEDIA WORLD (for children 10+, youth, young adults, parents, and catechists)

This presentation empowers the audience to think/ask questions before & after reading, creating, playing, listening, and/or posting. Is it true? Is it honest? Is it inspiring? Is it necessary? Is it kind? Emphasis is on social media, cyber-bullying and positive ways to be present on social media. 

ONLINE SAFETY (for children 10+, youth, young adults)

This presentation focuses on cyber-bullying and how much is too much to share (for teens sexting is included), with the goal to empower the audience to develop safe and positive online behavior.