The Revenant - intense, gory saga of love and revenge

The Revenant - intense, gory saga of love and revenge

Water, breath, fire, wind. Ice, snow, cold, wet. Pain and more pain. Violence, so much violence. Heartbreak, loneliness. Beauty and cruelty. Betrayal and treachery. Death, so much death. Whispers from beyond yet near and signs of hope. Body and soul, love and sacrifice. The natural and unnatural in a tension that hemorrhages blood and life. This is just a sample of what Alejandro G. Iñárritu's "The Revenant" is about.
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Brooklyn - Finding Home

Brooklyn - Finding Home

Classic filmmaking has returned in "Brooklyn," an immigrant love story set in 1950’s Brooklyn and Ireland. Saoirse Ronan brings a quiet, yet strong presence to the character of Eilis Lacey, a twenty-something woman trying to find her own way in a new country. Forced to leave her home in Ireland for a job in Brooklyn, shy Eilis finds herself and a home.
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The Lady in the Van - Living the Golden Rule

The Lady in the Van - Living the Golden Rule

"The Lady in the Van" showcases what living the Golden Rule can look like in today’s society. Miss Shepherd (Maggie Smith) lives in her van parked on a street in Camden Town in North London. To stay within the law, she moves up and down the street at regular intervals and annoys the residents on a consistent basis. They tolerate her and even show her small kindnesses for which she offers no thanks. Then one person, Alan Bennett (Alex Jennings), against the advice of his neighbors, allows her to...
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Star Wars: The Force Awakens - Searching for a Savior

Star Wars: The Force Awakens - Searching for a Savior

The great delight of "The Force Awakens" is the melding of old and new seamlessly. We meet Rey (Daisy Ridley), a poor scavenger girl on a planet that seems to be full of nothing but sand and junk. She’s definitely more than meets the eye. We meet Finn (John Boyega), the stormtrooper with a conscience. Throughout the story, it’s obvious that these are the characters that will carry Star Wars into the next generation.
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The 33 - A Triumph of Hope

The 33 - A Triumph of Hope

Disaster tends to bring people together. When there is a major earthquake or tsunami, the world rallies to the aid of those affected with donations of money, food, and supplies. Volunteers travel to help with clean-up or in makeshift medical facilities. Sometimes government policies and red tape get in the way of a timely response but dedicated people find ways to reach out. The same happened when 33 men got trapped in a Chilean mine in 2010. Their story is told in "The 33."
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