Documents, Articles and More for Social Media Ministry

  • Church Documents
  • World Communications Day Messages
  • Studies and Articles
  • Social Media Guidelines
  • Starter Tools
  • Videos on Social Media Issues
  • Porn Addiction Recovery
  • For Families

US Conference of Catholic Bishops

Australian Catholic Bishops Conference


  • 2019: "We are Members of One Another" (Eph 4:25): From Social Network Communities to the Human Community
  • 2018: "The Truth Will Set You Free" (Jn 8:32): Fake News and Journalism for Peace
  • 2017: "Fear Not, for I am with You" (Is 43:5): Communicating Hope and Trust in our Time
  • 2016: Communication and Mercy: A Fruitful Encounter (50th World Communications Day)
  • 2015: Communicating the Family: A Privileged Place of Encounter with the Gift of Love
  • 2014: Communication at the Service of an Authentic Culture of Encounter
  • 2013: Social Networks: portals of truth and faith; new spaces for evangelization.
  • 2012: Silence and Word: Path of Evangelization  (NB: Synod of Bishops on the New Evangelization was that year)
  • 2011: Truth, Proclamation and Authenticity of Life in the Digital Age
  • 2010: The Priest and Pastoral Ministry in a Digital World: New Media at the Service of the Word
  • 2009: New Technologies, New Relationships. Promoting a Culture of Respect, Dialogue and Friendship (on social networking)
  • 2008: The Media: At the Crossroads between Self-Promotion and Service. Searching for the Truth in order to Share it with Others.
  • 2007: Children and the Media: A Challenge for Education
  • 2006:The Media: A Network for Communication, Communion and Cooperation
  • Messages for  1979-2005
  • Messages for 1967-1978


The Baragli Project

Currently in Beta (and in Italian only), the Baragli Project is a collection of any and all Church documents related to communication (not just technological communication).  The list of available documents (only the pertinent section is provided from the link) goes all the way back to the Muratorian Fragment and the Acts of the Apostles!





EVEN MORE ARTICLES (2012 and earlier)

Social Media Guidelines: What's the Point? The purpose and key provisions ministry groups should have with regard to social media guidelines.

Catholic blogger and author Brandon Vogt tells the story behind the revised social media guidelines for the Diocese of Orlando. It's a happy story of "before and after" as the diocese moved to include the "social" in their approach to new media.

Justin Wise's "Ultimate List of Social Media Policies for Churches and Ministries" offers a fine range of sample guidelines from US churches, plus a link to Wise's free social media e-book--an example of the open source ethic of offering something of value at no cost (except for your e-mail address).

Archdiocese of Chicago:  Guidelines on Communicating Electronically with Minors

Here are some commercial organizations and their social media guidelines:



DropBox: Free online storage; great for sharing files.

Mega.NZ Free encrypted storage (50 gb!) is a very useful service for sending (but not storing) large files.

Copyright Clarity: How Fair Use Supports Digital Learning Slideshare program on copyright issues; specific to education, but it's best to have a strong appreciation of what is required and what is not. Read the comments, too: they are very informative!
Social Media Citation Guide: How to credit your sources when you found them online; MLA  and APA formats.
Facecrooks: Keeps you up to date on security and privacy issues as FB policies change. Also on hoaxes and scams. Includes a news section on the “Creep of the Week” with examples of abusive use of FB, and a way to report suspicious links or possibly fake fan pages.
Common Sense Media: Links to articles and videos on a number of media-related issues concerning children and families.
A note about privacy laws ("the Right to be Forgotten") in Europe.
Digital Training Institute (Ireland)
One-page articles (pdf handouts) on aspects of social media, published by an energy company, Solari.

To Follow on Twitter

Starter list for Catholics in ministry: By following their followers and their RT (retweeted posts), you can find many interesting leads. Don't forget to search for your favorite Catholic news sources, your local diocesan Twitter feeds and any parish leaders' tweets.

To Follow on Instagram

Sister Julia Darrenkamp, FSP
Sister Tracey Dugas, FSP
Sister Bethany Moxley, FSP (Millennial)
Sister Mary Lou Winters, FSP (Pauline UK, photographic artist)

Articles on apps, social media, technology

Social Media by the Numbers


Screens and the Human Brain

Social Media and Human Relationships


Random Videos Related to Media


Jesus, the Communicator

When Love Sees You (music video)

Pornography in the media is understood as violation, through the use of audiovisual techniques, of the right to privacy of the human body in its male or female nature, a violation which reduces the human person and human body to an anonymous object of misuse for the purpose of gratifying concupiscence...

PCCS document
Pornography and Violence in the Media

Recovery Resources, Programs and Information Available from Pauline Books and Media: Cleansed, a Catholic Guide to Freedom from Porn

RECLAIM Sexual Health Combines brain science and insights from Theology of the Body in a process of confidential, online, anonymous professional help for unwanted sexual behaviors.  A service of the Diocese of Green Bay, WI.

Integrity Restored: Restoring the Integrity of Those Affected by Pornography

Fortify Program: a pornography addiction "detox" program that includes instructional videos, in-depth personal inventory to get at the root causes of the addictive behavior, personalized "battle strategy" and a way to track the trends in one's online behavior. One-time fee (ages 18+); available free for ages 13-17.

CovenantEyes  Internet accountability and filtering. Monthly fee (also provides free downloadable e-books on the brain science of porn addiction and on church-based action). programs for accountability partners; mobile-compatible. Annual fee. Basic and Premium level services.

The Victory App developed by LifeTeen; includes daily check-in, journaling and password protection. iOS or Android.

Fight the New Drug Created by and for young adults.

Truth About Porn New site featuring academic research about the harmful effects of pornography.

The Porn Effect All-round website covers issues around sexuality and chastity formation with a special focus on teens' and parents' needs. Link leads to a short starter list of articles related to porn use.

Additional Articles about Internet Porn Addiction and Recovery:

5 Warning Signs of Internet Pornography Addiction
Don’t Ignore Clergy in Effects of Pornography (Editorial, NCR 2013)
Authentic Art vs. Pornography (in the Theology of the Body)
The Interior Gaze, by Edmund Adamus
What I Wish I’d Known Before Watching Porn, by Lauren Dubinsky
Pornography: Formula for Despair, by Donald Demarco
Review of "The Porn Myth: Exposing the Reality behind the Fantasy of Pornography"

Recommended Books

Cleansed: A Catholic Guide to Freedom from Porn, by Marcel LeJeune
The Porn Myth: Exposing the Reality behind the Fantasy of Pornography, by Matt Fradd

Discover Theology of the Body

A ten-hour video lecture series presenting John Paul's Theology of the Body: a masterful biblical reflection on what it means to be created "male and female, in the image of God." The series gives participants a basis for a profound appreciation of the wisdom of Catholic teachings in the areas of marriage, continence "for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven," the resurrection of the body, and family planning that corresponds to the vocation of the human person.

  • For individual or group study.
  • Free downloadable study/discussion guide.
  • 2 25-minute sessions and 11 50-minute sessions. Includes contemporary issues in the light of Theology of the Body.
  • Presented by Fr Robert Sprott, OFM, PhD.

For more information, to view the 25-minute introductory session, and to download the free study guide, go to:





(Most of these articles are listed in the other categories; links are duplicated here for the convenience of parents.)

Porn Addiction Resources, Programs and Information

Pornography in the media is understood as violation, through the use of audiovisual techniques, of the right to privacy of the human body in its male or female nature, a violation which reduces the human person and human body to an anonymous object of misuse for the purpose of gratifying concupiscence...

PCCS document
Pornography and Violence in the Media


RECLAIM Sexual Health Combines brain science and insights from Theology of the Body in a process of confidential, online, anonymous professional help for unwanted sexual behaviors.  A service of the Diocese of Green Bay, WI. (RECLAIM also offers bulk quantities of business card sized "confession cards.")

Integrity Restored: Informating, educating, and engaging those who are affected by porn addiction.

Fortify Program: a pornography addiction "detox" program that includes instructional videos, in-depth personal inventory to get at the root causes of the addictive behavior, personalized "battle strategy" and a way to track the trends in one's online behavior. One-time fee (ages 21+); available free for ages 13-17.

CovenantEyes  Internet accountability and filtering. Monthly fee (also provides free downloadable e-books on the brain science of porn addiction and on church-based action). Services include Porn Blocking and Safe Search (powered by Clean Browsing) for families. programs for accountability partners; mobile-compatible. Yearly subscription. Has individual and family plans.

The Victory App developed by LifeTeen; includes daily check-in, journaling and password protection. iOS or Android.

Fight the New Drug Created by and for young adults: "a non-religious and non-legislative organization that exists to provide individuals the opportunity to make an informed decision regarding pornography by raising awareness on its harmful effects using only science, facts, and personal accounts."

Truth About Porn Database of academic research about the harmful effects of pornography on individual well-being and functioning, on relationships, and on society. All-in-one resource site for young adults, as well as for parents and religious educators.

Additional Articles about Internet Porn Addiction and Recovery:

5 Warning Signs of Internet Pornography Addiction
Don’t Ignore Clergy in Effects of Pornography (Editorial, NCR 2013)
Authentic Art vs. Pornography (in the Theology of the Body)
The Interior Gaze, by Edmund Adamus
What I Wish I’d Known Before Watching Porn, by Lauren Dubinsky
Pornography: Formula for Despair, by Donald Demarco
Review of "The Porn Myth: Exposing the Reality behind the Fantasy of Pornography"

Recommended Books

Cleansed: A Catholic Guide to Freedom from Porn, by Marcel LeJeune
The Porn Myth: Exposing the Reality behind the Fantasy of Pornography, by Matt Fradd

“The world of social media is a real world
inhabited by the real people we are called to minister to in Christ.
We encounter people through technology so that we can engage with them
in a human way.”
- Sister Anne Flanagan, FSP (@nunblogger)

The Pauline Center for Media Studies (PCMS) is a project of the Daughters of St. Paul. Its focus is to develop and encourage media literacy/media mindfulness within the context of culture, education, and faith formation.

The PCMS, founded by Sister Rose Pacatte, FSP, began in Boston in 1995 and moved to Los Angeles in 2006. In 2015, an East Coast office opened in New York, directed by Sister Hosea Rupprecht, FSP. The PCMS expresses a part of the mission of the Daughters of St. Paul to educate and form the audience to critically discern the messages communicated through traditional mass media and emerging forms of social communication.

“In her official teaching, the Church
has consistently called media, ‘gifts of God.’ ”

- Sr. Hosea Rupprecht, FSP






To develop and encourage
Media Mindfulness
within the context of culture, education
and faith formation.


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