Media Mindfulness Blog

Blessed Carlo Acutis: Four Lifelong Media Lessons from "God's Computer Genius"

Blessed Carlo Acutis: Four Lifelong Media Lessons from "God's Computer Genius"

Blessed Carlo Acutis was only fifteen years old when he died of leukemia in 2006. Yet this teenager made a huge impact on his community, living out holiness in our modern world. He had a gift for turning the most ordinary tasks into acts of love--including the way he used technology. Sr. Allison Regina highlights four tips for holy use of media technologies inspired by Carlo.
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Why the LOTR Women Have Stood the Test of Time

Why the LOTR Women Have Stood the Test of Time

Ideas of how a woman should be have changed throughout the years and this has been reflected in portrayals of women on screen. What hasn’t changed is what women are. The most timeless films are those which avoid dictating how women should be and succeed in touching on the truth of what women are. This is exactly what happens in the "Lord of the Rings" films. See how Arwen, Galadriel, Eowyn, and Rosie, can be inspirations for all women.
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