Media Mindfulness Blog

The Shack— A Cinematic Retreat Expression of God’s Generativity

The Shack— A Cinematic Retreat Expression of God’s Generativity

The movie, The Shack, based on the book by William P. Young that sold over 10 million copies, is a cinematic retreat. In two hours it leads the viewer to go deeper and examine one’s life, struggles with faith, and relationships. As Tim McGraw says, who plays Mack’s friend and pastor Willie in the film, this story “impacts viscerally.” One cannot but be moved by such a profoundly impactful film. True to the medium, the movie leaves each viewer to enter into the emotion of the characters and c...
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"But TV makes it look so normal!" – Media Normalize Behavior

"But TV makes it look so normal!" – Media Normalize Behavior

I love a good story. So, it should come as no surprise that I enjoy watching television and movies. At the same time, I watch these shows and films as a follower of Christ with a very specific and defined set of values and ideals that I strive to live by. I’m delighted when my values are reflected in what I see, whether on the big or small screen. The underlying ideas behind many of the television shows I watch is that the good guys will always win or the truth will always prevail. However, eve...
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