Media Mindfulness Blog

Are Horror Films Catholic?—A Lecture by Sr Rose

Are Horror Films Catholic?—A Lecture by Sr Rose

Horror films have the ability to engage human fears in their audiences. Do  they perhaps carry an even deeper meaning? Sr. Rose Pacatte, a member of the Daughters of St. Paul and the founding Director of the Pauline Center for Media Studies in Los Angeles, will explore the intimate relationship between Catholicism and horror films. Are they more deeply related than we think? Sr. Rose uses clips from “The Nun” to “Get Out” to “The Passion of the Christ” to examine the theology, motifs and methods that support her belief that horror films are indeed C(c)atholic. 

From horror’s beginnings to its bloody present, Sr. Rose will dig deeply into the psychology that ties the two cultural staples together. Sr. Rose is an award-winning film journalist and author or co-author of fifteen titles on film, film and scripture and media literacy education. She has an Master’s of Education in Media Studies from the University of London and has a D.Min from the Catholic Theological Foundation. 




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